Servicing Nanaimo, Victoria, Duncan, Ladysmith, Lantzville, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Courtenay, Campbell River, and other locations on Vancouver Island as well as clients world wide.

JAMAXX Web Design

affordable sites that are hard working... not hard to work on

  • Domain name registration and dependable website hosting
  • Content management system (CMS) - for powerful web sites that allow you to update images and text content yourself
  • Website redesign
  • Website maintenance
  • Web graphic and template design - including animated graphics and Flash
  • Multimedia - audio and video in popular web formats
  • Instruction and support
  • Social networking and web 2.0 services - leverage the advantages of Facebook, You Tube, and blogs
  • Mobile browsing optimization - for Joomla! and WordPress  CMS sites
  • Free consultations
  • Utilizing the HTML5 web standards

Free (No Obligation) Consultations

Having an effective web site to represent your business or organization is very important. A web site that poorly represents your business, or is ineffective in meeting your specific needs is almost like not having a web site at all and sometimes can be worse by poorly reflecting on your business or organization.

JAMAXX Web Design understands that the fast growing technologies of the World Wide Web make it a daunting task for the average person to know how to have an effective and professional looking web site. That is why as a part of our award winning services, we offer free, no obligation consultations. These consultations allow us to determine with you, how to best leverage the advantages of the World Wide Web within your budget and according to your specific needs.

You are not obligated, in any way, to employ the services of JAMAXX Web Design.

Contact JAMAXX Web Design to schedule your free consultation today!

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